Saturday, 9 June 2012

Assalamualaikum kwn2 sume , chat ?? shara doakan kowg sume chat n sntiasa dberkati oleh Allah s.w.t , aminn :))) act , shara ta chat cgt nie , bru jew lpas dmam , hhu , time na bkk skola jgk la kne dmam kan , huhu , tpew2 , dugaan , time cti nie salu wat ice blended , cz tht la dmam tuww , bse lahh , antibody shara bknnye kuat mne pon , cpat cgt kne pnykitnyee ,  hee , ^^  yeahh , lgi bpe ari jew da na bkk skowla , my routine as a student of pra university wll start n shara da pon ready to gain knowledge at a new school .. huhu .. ta sbar na jmpe kwn2 , n ta sbar2 na bljar , ( terlbih excited ) HAHA , bese lahh , da lme ta skowla kan , mcm tuw la jdiynyee , huhu , kowng2 smngt tak na p skowla ?? hee , mstiy smngat kann .. smngt na jmpe kwn , smngt na jmpe bf o gf ? opss ~! haha , shara taw laa , shara pon student jgk , :PP lgi2 2 weeks plk holiday nyee kan , mstiy rindu tahap gaban pnye kan , cehh , mcm adew experience jew shara nie kan , errr , tdew2 ~!! haha , just say out base on my view , pape ponn the most important is gain the knowledge as long as we can .. okkea , FIGHTING ~!! ^^ okea , so how do we go about gaining knowledge ? what are the sources of knowledge ?? huhu .. okea , let shara list a few sources tht i know ..hee , tetibe speaking plk apesal plk nie , haha , whatever ~!! as long as i'm happy right ?? haha , okea now ,  

the 1st one , i think la kan , people ? people are the biggest source of knowledge for anybody right ? cz right from childhood , we have learned things from watching others , yeah , that's true , huhu .. ^^

2. okea , the next best of source knowledge can be books , kannn :)) the are millions2 books written throughout the world in every language an on almost any topic imaginable , wahhh , very interesting right :) so , read as much as u can , the more u read , the more of knowledgment u cn gain .. :) 

3. alright , this is another important resource for the seeker of knowledge , it is said tht experience is a great teacher , based on what i know , huhu , okea , so learn from ur past experience n experience of others . Learn from ur n others past n present achievments as well as mistakes . do u get it ? okea , good ~! huhu

4. if u wnt to learn something new , you have to xperiment n observe a lot . experimenting new things n observation can help u in learning , hee , ok next..

5. while learning new thigs , u all need to concentrate a lot , just reading lots of books is not sufficient as u need to fully a grasp wht u r reading . ponder over wht u hve read , observed , experienced o experimented . isn't is wise to make sure u hve fully understood a thing before moving further ?? just ask urself .. huhuhu , 

okea , i think , only tht can i story of , tht wht based on i know , but if have a mistakes or wrong , pliss tell me , huhu , tetibe terspeaking plk shara nie kan , hahaha , sory kowg2 , ta sengaja , huhu , alaa , kowg mesti pham pnyew kan .. :)) oke la , till here , wanna go out , my fever attack me back , huhu , daa , salam :)

Best regards,
Your Name : Miss Shara
tel.: 017252****

Saturday, 2 June 2012

pape jee lahh , huhu ^^

Assalamualaikum , hye alL .. huhu .. shara tataw na ckp pew sbnarnyee , just men tulis jee ikot kata hati , cehhh , haha , cz shara da terjebak dlm kes kebosanan yg melampau .. erghhh .. sabar2 , huhu , mata still mgantok , bese lah , bru bngun ,,, shara tdo lewat smlm cz shara n fmily blik lewat , kami join the bufday party at uma cousin , sg buloh tuuu , mmg jauhh , hee .. smbil2 tuw shara with my sis snap2 pic , kami mmg , ta leyh ade camera .. haha .. 

                                                              peace ~!!

                                                  bside shara tu adik yg ketiga .. :)
                                                   haa , yg purple tuu aunt shara .. huhu ^^

                                                           heeee ^^

                                                       budak ni pndang mcm ta puas ati je , haha

                                                        erkk , ape kes plk niee , huhu
                                                                    this is me

                                                                    adik shara .. yg kedua ^^

haaa , tuw je kot pic yg shara adee .. hee , t ade mse shara msokkan lgi pic yg lenn , knal2 ngn fmily kitee , haha , k la , out dluuu , tata ^^

Best regards,